Skip the landfill
New Zealanders send a huge amount of organic waste to landfill every year where it breaks down slowly and anaerobically, producing methane and harming our environment. In fact organic waste is the third largest contributor to landfill after demolition and hazardous waste. There is massive potential for improvement here, as organic waste can be composted quickly and aerobically, without harmful byproducts. Many city dwellers don't have the space to compost their own organic waste, and that's where we can help!
Join the nutrient cycle
Return your nutrients to the earth with Scrappy. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing your scraps aren't wasted. Instead they're turned into the highest quality compost in our worm farms. Compost which is then distributed to New Zealanders who want to grow healthy, nutrient rich plants and crops. Scrappy members also receive discounts on the quality compost we produce. Supercharge your balcony garden or treat your green babies with a top dressing of the highest quality food they could ask for!